For any tourist based business in Virginia Beach, VA, your goal is to cost-effectively promote your products, services and company to tourists, while they are here or before they arrive.

For years, has been asking tourists to complete a survey of their interests. We want to know if they are interested in beach home rentals, boating, para-sailing and so forth. We’ve made that database available to local Virginia Beach companies only, who provide real services to tourist.

As an example, if you are a beach home rental provider, we can e-mail you a nightly report of everyone who has specifically requested information on beach homes. In addition, you can login and configure our tourist database application to automatically send your company’s information to anyone looking for the services you provide. In the above example, if you are a provider of beach home rentals, we can automatically send your company information/catalog/coupons to those who have explicitly selected an interest in beach homes.

This is the way Virginia Beach Advertising is supposed to work. No spam — just selective businesses and customers mutually asking for each other’s support. Why spend thousands of dollars buying unqualified leads?

There is a better way to advertise in Virginia Beach and it’s